What is the HSA?

The Alexander Hamilton Home and School Association (HSA) works to promote the welfare of children in the home, school, and community.  We are a non-profit, volunteer-led organization open to all Alexander Hamilton parents, guardians, and teachers.


What does the HSA do?

The HSA extra social, cultural and academic enrichment activities for AH students. These include things like special assemblies, the book fair, after school clubs, events, and much more! The HSA also coordinates closely with AH teachers and staff and helps enhance the learning environment and meet student needs through the purchase of additional technology and equipment, books and supplies, playground and landscape improvements, etc.


Who are the HSA members?

Anyone is a parent or guardian of a AH student or is a teacher or staff member. Everyone is welcome!


How can I support the HSA?

  • Come to HSA meetings!
    • We meet several times a year, alternating between daytime and evening meetings at AH or virtually. Meeting dates and times will be noted on our website, in the HSA newsletters, and in Mr. Cisnero’s newsletters.
  • Volunteer your time and skills!
    • We welcome volunteers! We have long-term positions (at least 1 year) like President, Treasurer, or Room Parent and short-term positions like assisting with the book fair, or organizing a specific event. There are volunteer-from-home positions as well as positions that are best done in the school building. If you are interested in volunteering or have a special skill you would like to share, please sign up on the Volunteer section of the website or contact the HSA President.
  • Donate!
    • All donations are tax-deductible and eligible for employer matching programs. You can donate directly through our website or write a check made out to “Alexander Hamilton HSA”.


HSA 2024-2025
Lurdes Mauriello - President
Samantha Pedinoff - Co-President
Sieglinde Pylypchuk - Treasurer
Edward Cisneros - Principal